Mar 5, 2011

Art of Entertaining

Usually the depiction of a drag queen in films and in a drag show is comedy, or camp-drag. Movies like Priscilla Queen of the Desert or Too Wong Foo with Patrick Swayze these movies are comical, have some serious moments in them, and are for entertainment, They aren't a documentary on drag queens so they don't depict

The links will describe the movies in more depth than I am going to.
Both movies have a deeper question to ask than why are they in drag.

In Priscilla Queen of the Desert one character lives her life as a women, one character is a heterosexual who dresses for entertainment, and another is a homosexual male who does drag for entertainment purposes.

In Too Wong Foo each character is living their life as a women. It doesn't seem like in the beginning of the movie they would each live their life as a movie. But they start to travel after a pageant/competition and stay in drag. Which leads the public to believe that most drag queens start to live there life as a woman. That is not always the case.

So why do guys dress up as women?
Is it Sexual Perversion?

I would like to answer these questions from a personal stand point. I would like to first say that I was born a male, and I do not have any plans to change that. So, why do I dress up as a woman? I think the transformation is astounding. I enjoy the way I look as a woman I feel feminine, and I get an ego boost when people talk to me, and approach me when I am in drag. Telling me that I look great, or that I did a great performance.

My parent's (who are my aunt and uncle) don't understand why I do drag. My mother and father (aunt and uncle) are convinced that I am dressing up like a woman because it is a sexual perversion. My dad (uncle) has it in his mind that I was made to dress up like a woman when I was molested by my biological mothers second husband.
( I know that is a lot of information to take in )
But I have grown from that, It's not being said to get pity, but to draw the picture as close to reality as I can. Drag is for me has absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality. I don't get aroused when I am in drag, because It doesn't feel right. I am a man, so there is no desire for me to perform sexual activities dressed as a woman. Drag for is is strictly to entertain and make a name for myself.

Another something that comes up at times is when men get surgeries to look more feminine and enhance their bodies to reflect femininity.
Implants in their face, a nose job, having their jaw bone shaven down, hip implants, butt implants, breast implants, a brow lift. There are many more that are possible and become necessary depending on how un-feminine one may look when they begin. This is not typical of a male who does drag for entertainment. Trans gendered male to female people who entertain generally are the ones who go through this process.

With that topic brought up, there is often the question on performers who are trans gendered. The question that is brought up is, What is the limit to their operation before they stop performing? Drag Pageants have rules about cosmetic surgeries and the locations in which are acceptable. For example, from the neck up. As much facial surgery as you want and you get the task to master your body with padding and using duck tape to create cleavage. (by taping your chest from one side to the other and pushing what muscle and tissue you have together to make cleavage)

Drag can be complicated and hard to translate, however I hope I am doing a good job ad giving you a better understanding as to what entertaining as a drag queen takes.

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