Mar 8, 2011


Today Cassandra and I finally got to put some costumes together for booger! And some new ones for the OWU Mr & Misses Relay for life show! Together we made about 3 or 4 outfits total, she of course has had more practice with the swing machine because she is home all the time. We took some of the outfits that we already had and used them as a pattern for the few that we made. Cassandra made me a new dress, and a dance outfit. She also made herself a new dance outfit too! I am sitting here with rinestones in my lap and I am about to use E6000 to glue them only my new dance outfit.

It isn't that often that we get to have new outfits, the industry calls for it if you are performing a lot. You don't want to be seen in the same thing all the time. So it becomes necessary to get new outfits and have many to choose from. Thats why we are making new ones for Booger! Which is the show that is on March 25th, I hope to see you all there!

Thanks for reading!

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